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News from Salem High

Please watch the latest family engagement video and complete the form below.

SHS Announcements

Click the image below for information on our upcoming GMAS practice sessions!

GMAS Practice Information

We want to hear from you! 

Click HERE to view and complete the 
Stakeholder Survey for 6-12 English Language Arts Instructional Resource Adoption. We want your input on what resources should be used for our students in ELA next year. You can view the resources utilizing the links in the survey or come by the school and look at them in person!

PARENT COLLEGE READINESS 2024 Let’s us help you and your scholar prepare for their next steps!  FEATURED TOPICS:  FAFSA Grants Common App Black Common App Application Process Scholarships Majors VS Minors Choosing the college for you. HBCU VS PWI Work Study On campus VS Off campus housing School location Contact Coach Bennett for more info:  DATE: January 17th TIME: 5:30 PM LOCATION: School Website  Salem High School 3551 Underwood Road, Conyers, Ga. 30013
Parents! We want to hear from you!
Click HERE to complete our Annual Title I Parent & Family Engagement Survey

2025 Graduation Ceremony
The Salem High School Graduation Exercises are scheduled for Wednesday, May 21st, at 2pm, at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, located at 
6400 Woodrow Rd, Stonecrest, GA 30038.

SALEM HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS Masquerade AN EVENING OF ELEGANCE  The Georgia Freight Depot 65 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. SE, Atlanta  Saturday, April 26, 2025 7 PM to 11 PM $130

 Decorative Image - Parking Student Parking Application for 24-25 School Year
Click here to apply| Click here to pay fees

Click here for Infinite Campus Annual Update Information

                         All bookbags (backpacks) Heavy Duty Transparent Clear Backpack See Through Backpacks for  School,Sports,Work,Stadium,Security Travel,College : Clothing, Shoes &  Jewelrymust be clear. Students will carry their laptops in the school-issued, non-transparent laptop bag.  Bookbags will not be accessible during the day. Bookbags can only be picked up at 3:15 pm. If a student has RCA, checks out early, etc., they can pick up their bag the following day at 3:15 pm. Students participating in an extracurricular activity are permitted to carry non-transparent bags to store items pertaining to their particular activity (i.e. band, athletics, etc.). Upon entry into the school, all extracurricular activity bags must be stored in lockers or designated areas. All bags are subject to search. Additionally, the maximum size for non-transparent bags that students will be permitted to carry during the school day, such as lunch kits, pencil bags and purses, will be 6” x 9”.  

 Dress Code


Our students are required to dress in a manner that demonstrates their commitment to a professional and productive future. Therefore, business casual is the preferred form of standard dress for our students. Each career pathway participates in Dress for Success days and require more specific dress to promote both professionalism and safety within our labs. Your individual instructors will provide more specific guidance pertaining to dress within your pathways.

While complying with the school system’s entire dress code policy, there are particular areas of dress that will be strictly enforced in order to promote professionalism:

  • Jeans and pants may be worn with holes, however, no skin above the knees should show. Leggings (not flesh tone), tights, shorts, etc., must be worn under the pants to cover the skin. Please note excessive holes are NOT allowed, even if the skin is covered.

  • See examples below:
    • Skirts and/or shorts must be fingertip length and any slits must not come above the knee.
    • Undergarments must be worn.
    • Undergarments must not be worn outside of clothing for any reason.
    • Pants and shorts must always be worn at the natural waistline and not below the hips.
    • No oversized or baggy clothing shall be worn. This is an issue of professionalism and safety.
    • Low cut or sheer shirts and blouses are not permitted.
    • No midriff shirts are allowed.
    • No tank tops/halter tops or layered spaghetti strap camisoles
    • No hats, sunglasses, hoods, visors, bandanas, doo-rags, bonnets, or head wraps
    • Leggings may be worn with a shirt that reaches the knees.
    • No off the shoulder tops
    • Biker shorts may be worn with a shirt that reaches fingertips.
    • No flip flops, slides (Crocs are acceptable), bedroom shoes, or pajamas.
    • Clothing may not depict any type of contraband (i.e., alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons) nor may it depict gang affiliation, obscenity, profanity, or lewd content (literal or implied).

This is not an all-inclusive list and dress considered inappropriate by the administration will also be given consequences.

Students who are in violation of this dress code may be given the opportunity to correct the violation through a phone call to parents to have appropriate clothing brought to school or may be issued alternate clothing options (one time only) before being admitted to class.
Repeat offenses will be dealt with individually by an administrator using the consequences outlined in the RCPS Parent Handbook which includes in-school and potential out-of-school suspension.

SHS Named 2023 AP Honor School
Complete press release here:

Salem High School was named an AP Expansion School for 2023!  AP schools with 25% growth in AP student participation from May 2021 to May 2022 and a minimum of 25 students testing in May 2020.

Click image to order your SHS Yearbook & Senior Ad

Click here to purchase the yearbook and/or senior add.

District Announcements

Upcoming Events


The mission of Salem High School is to educate and empower the whole child by meeting each student’s individual academic, behavioral, and social emotional needs and provide opportunities so that they may develop into leaders of tomorrow. The vision of Salem High School is to inspire all students to become self-directed, productive, and successful contributors of society who advocate for themselves and others.