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Course Selection Process

Counselors will provide information about the course selection process, class choices, and graduation plans through classroom guidance and advisement meetings. Students are reminded that some course offerings are tentative and dependent upon different factors.

For students taking courses or at RCA, Salem and RCA will work together to try and meet all course requests.

Sometimes it is not possible to have all requests granted. It is extremely important, therefore, that alternate course choices are selected during advisement.

Schedule Change Policy

Students meet individually with their counselor to determine courses for the following year. With the assistance of counselors, students have the opportunity to choose their own classes as well as alternate electives. Once the new school year begins, schedule changes will be made only for the following reasons:

  1. A student is placed in a course in error.
  2. A student fails a required course, making a schedule change necessary for graduation.
  3. Additional credit was earned during the summer, making a schedule adjustment necessary.
  4. A student is placed in a course and has not passed a pre-requisite course.
  5. A level change (moving from honors to regular) may be made only if the student has demonstrated an effort to do well in the class. (Participating in class, asking questions, attending tutorials) and with approval from the principal.

RCPS Graduation Requirements

Language Arts

1 unit 9th Grade Lit./Comp.
1 unit 10th Grade Lit/Comp.
1 unit American Lit./Comp.
1 unit 12th Grade Lit/Comp

AP or dual enrollment can be substituted.


1 unit Algebra I,
1 unit Analytic Geometry,
1 unit Advanced Algebra,
1 unit Advanced Mathematical Decision Making
or I unit CCGPS Pre-Calculus

Each required course may be satisfied by an accelerated, AP, or dual enrollment course equivalent.


1 unit Biology,
1 unit Physical Science or Physics,
1 unit Chemistry or Environmental Science,
1 unit any 4th Science

Any AP course or dual enrollment can be substituted.

Social Studies

1 unit Government,
1 unit World History,
1 unit U.S. History,
1 unit Economics

AP or dual enrollment can be substituted

Physical Education

1/2 unit Health
1/2 unit Personal Fitness

Fine Arts
Foreign Lang

3 Units - Pathway


4 units


24 units

Students planning to attend a college or university must take a minimum of two years of the same foreign language to meet admission requirements.

Georgia’s Pathways allow students to choose an area of interest in high school. Students will take classes for three years in their pathway. These classes will allow students to see the connection to career possibilities and what they are learning in the classroom. 

Elective Course Descriptions

For more information regarding RCA pathways click here: Pathways - Rockdale Career Academy (